Email Fusion is priced affordably for small businesses. Our prices are based on the number of emails per month you wish to send.
Email Fusion puts campaign creation and mailing into the client's hands. You'll upload your contact list, choose from among hundreds of newsletter topics and template designs, and send targeted mailings to your contacts. You'll have the ability to generate detailed reports on the results of each campaign.
Call us at 1-631-846-2044 to speak with one of our Communication Consultants today!
Sixty-Seven Percent
Of course, finding the best cost-efficiencies is always prudent. At the top of that list is email marketing.
We've all had that experience of hitting "send," and seconds later feeling angst over what the person on the other end will really think.
The Best Way to Build Your Brand? Remember Who You Are
Once you develop your brand, stick to your brand, and make certain to express confidence in it to your customers and business associates.
Remember The Boom(ers)
Yes, you need to keep a watchful marketing eye on the 18-35 crowd who will become the big spenders.
An Email Marketing Role Model
If you are a business owner or manager, odds are you're told all the time about the effectiveness good email marketing can have on your business.
Metrics: One of the Great Benefits of Email Marketing
It can be very difficult to measure the success of most types of marketing and advertising. But email marketing allows you to monitor your marketing campaign.